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Who's Counting?

I started calorie counting again, and did pretty well on Monday!! My total count for that day was 1,560. That's really really low for me.

Tuesday was not so low, but still slightly below my maintenance level (2,500) at 2,250. Tonight... hmmm... so far I'm at about 2,800. I blame my hubby for the barbecue steaks and fries ;-)

Mind you, I walked a lot today. I took my son to Strong Start in the morning, and then both kids swimming in the afternoon, all on foot. At the moment I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate more exercise into my routine. Walking is easy, because I have to get places. I just need to make other types of fitness into unconscious habits. I'd never dream of going an entire day without brushing my teeth at least twice, why can't the same be said for sit ups?

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