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Not Me Monday

I'm a new Meme addict. I found this one:

"Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week."

...and thought, oh yeah, that's one I can participate in ;)


It was NOT ME who ate so many of DH's Valentines chocolates that I snuck out to the store today to buy more (same brand, different box) to replace the missing ones from his heart shaped box... (hee hee)

Oh yes, and it was also not me who sat typing this post with a sink full of dishes and nothing taken out of the freezer for dinner...

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Wayne said...

great not me monday. my sister once ate all my easter eggs but atleast you baught them back again

Jeanne Elle said...

LOL, geez those sisters!! (I have one too :)

The hilarious part is that my husband probably won't even notice... but hey, at least I feel like I've made amends (and gained five pounds ;)

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